The iPod shuffle is a great little MP3 player. It's great for anyone who runs or cycles, or anyone who's on the go a lot. And now the iPod shuffle price is under $10! That's a crazy deal. Check out this article here to find out more. Here's a blurb from it:
The way people listen to music was dramatically changed when digital music came to be. And with the existence of digital music came the MP3 player. And no other company has cornered the market on MP3 players quite like Apple. With the introduction of the iPod, Apple swept all other competition under the rug and now sits alone at the top of the MP3 market. No iPod is more impressive than the shuffle. It's amazing how so much technology is packed into such a small device. Just as amazing, the iPod shuffle price is now under $10.
That is super cheap to get an iPod. Who wouldn't want a shuffle for under $10!? So if you want a cheap iPod shuffle, you gotta get on this deal!