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Friday, July 16, 2010

iPad Review: Get a Free iPad

iPad Review: Get a Free iPad

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By Global Insignias

Get a Free iPad
Get a Free iPad

Get a Free iPad

The Apple iPad has been out for a while now and it's starting to gain some popularity. At first people thought of it as just a new tech gadget that people would let collect dust after the novelty wore off. However the iPad is starting to show that that may not be the case. The more time that goes by the more useful things the iPad seems to be able to do. The following is a quick iPad review:

Apple iPad Review

The iPad is quite a bit like a laptop computer. But it's more of a cross between a Macbook and an iPhone, mostly because of the apps. There's no phone capabilities and no keyboard but that's basically all that makes it different from a Macbook (or most other laptops) or an iPhone. It's portable, light weight and thin and it's got WiFi built in. If you really wanted you can get the Skype app and use it as a phone. It's a lot more like a Macbook or an iPhone than most people think.

What makes the iPad show the most potential are all the apps available, you can get thousands upon thousands of them. Any app that's available for the iPhone can be set up on the iPad, plus a few more that are exclusively for the iPad. For instance, you can get an app called MaxiVista. This app really blurs the compatibility line between PCs and Macs. If you have a PC and you run windows this app is compatible. It allows the user to set it up as a second PC computer monitor. This is ideal for day traders or musicians, just to name a couple.

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