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Friday, October 15, 2010

White iPhone 4 spotted!?

MSNBC is reporting that a white iPhone 4 was spotted in New York. However I have my doubts as to it legitimacy.

A little while ago some dude put up a video on YouTube on how to make your iPhone 4 white. It involved actually taking apart the phone and installing a kit, for lack of a better term, that creates the look of a white iPhone 4.

But there was the case of the original leaked iPhone 4 by gizmodo earlier this year so it is a possibility. But again, I really don't know if anyone who actually has a white iPhone 4 would be flaunting it right now with people, including myself, waiting desperately for it to be released. The only people that may have one are people working for Apple. And I doubt they'd make the same mistake the rube did earlier this year. You never know though.

All I know is I'm overly anxious for Apple to release the darn thing.

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